Library Computer Usage Policy

Library computers can be accessed for either 2 hour sessions (Card holders) or up to 30 minute sessions (Express) The computer can be used during your session to:
- access the internet; access Library resources, including eresources and the catalogue; create or edit documents using MS Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint); save to USB, or use our self-service printers.
Library computer should not be used for accessing offensive material or non- research related tasks.
- Readers are requested to restrict their use to research related activities. Use of Library computers to access forums or games or to conduct financial transactions (other than purchases from the Library) is therefore actively discouraged.
Please respect Library equipment.
- Do not attempt to fix technical or software problems or change settings. Leave all equipment switched on.
Computer Access for Under 18's: -
Access to the internet via a Library computer by children under the age of 18 is the responsibility of the child's parent or guardian. The Library accepts no responsibility or liability for a child’s use of Library Computers.
Library Safety and Security: -
Library computers do not allow access to the Hard Drive.
For security reasons, Library computers are automatically wiped of all data when a user logs off. Any files saved locally on the computers will not be recoverable.
Library computer software applications are provided on the assumption that customers know how to use them. Information Desk staff are unable to provide more than basic assistance to customers using software applications.
Please wipe the computer keyboard after use/your session!
Thank you, and hope you enjoy your visit to Greywater Library!
